Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of frequently asked questions.

Q: What is this site for?

A: This site is for the BC Tees Club!

Q: What is a "tee", a golf tee?

A: A tee is the character from DDNet

Q: What is DDNet?

A: Please go check out the DDNet page for more info

Q: So what is this club for?

A: This is a club for people who live in BC (or close enough) and also play ddnet (or close enough)

Q: What do you mean close enough to BC?

A: I'd say if you're on the west side of the americas at all that's close enough (yes that means you Chile)

Q: Can I be in the club if I'm not on the west side?

A: Yes, we're ok if anybody wants to join from anywhere in the world.

Q: But what about being close enough to DDNet?

A: DDNet is a mod of teeworlds, but also is basically the same. I'd say all teeworld mods are close enough

Q: How do I join the club?

A: You can check out Step 7 on the DDNet getting started guide on how to join

Q: are you going to update this site?

A: you got it, I'm going to update this site daily

Q: can I have a player profile?

A: contact me and see, I'll consider it